January 26, 2010

Memory Lane

I was going through an old, forgotten file on my computer today and came across some pictures from my study abroad time in Argentina. A lot of them really took me back and made me smile, like this one of me playing with the children from my church's soup kitchen:

Or this one of Karin and me at Iguazu Falls:

Some of them even made me laugh out loud, like this pic of my friend Wendy, posing with the dancing empanadas:

And some pictures reminded me of the sadder, less amusing sights I saw while there:

I have to say, though, that I was most transported by the photographs of the estancia we visited in San Antonio de Areco. On a lawn encircled by stucco walled villas and fences crawling with flowering vines, tables were set up for us to eat lunch. The weather was warm, the air was sweet, and it was some of the best food of my life.

And after our almuerzo, we rode horses across endless prairie, guided by true gauchos.

The dreamer in me can't help but romanticise a place like that.
Maybe someday I'll go back. Or at least, set a story there.

1 comment:

  1. I want to help you get back there sometime. Not just set a story there but find a new one perhaps. :)
