March 3, 2010


A while back, I mentioned here that I was working on a couple of different scripts (and that was my excuse for not having blogged consistently - that's still my excuse, btw.) Well, one of them has materialized, so I get to show it to you today!
Recently, I found out that a short film contest called The Doorpost Film Project was going on, which asks film makers to create a seven minute film about one of seven topics (authenticity, community, sacrifice, commitment, truth, identity, or hope), which will then be judged for the possibility of moving on to round two. In round two, the twenty top film makers are asked to write a second script, this time between twelve and thirty minutes in length, and the top five out of those twenty scripts each receive a $40,000 budget to make it. And then, once those five films are made, there's another round of judging and the winner walks away with $100,000.


So, it's a pretty cool contest. I'm not holding my breath that we'll take the grand prize, but hey, it'll be fun to see how far we get.
The topic we picked was community. Hopefully that will be obvious after watching it! And yes, that's me acting in it, too. Feel free to comment on any of it. Criticism is welcome.
The only slightly annoying thing about the process of watching it is that you'll have to create a profile on Doorpost's website in order to view any of the films. Otherwise, they won't play. The good news is, creating a profile only takes two seconds.

And so, without further ado, I present to you - HOME. Enjoy!

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